Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
specializing in

Cancellations / Billing
I have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Please, if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, kindly let us know 24 hours in advance. Cancellations or schedule changes with less than 24 hours notice are subject to fees, up to the total cost of the appointment.
No-shows and same day cancellations are billed at the full appointment fee.
The following forms of payment are accepted:
Checks, Cash, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Venmo. I'm setting up Zelle soon. Please note: there is a $5.00 card fee for credit card payments. If you're a 'glass is half full' person (like me!), you can see it as a $5.00 discount for non-card payments.
FSA/HSA cards are welcome. Most process directly; there are rare instances when they are rejected. You will still need a superbill, so don't forget to request one at each visit.
We provide a detailed superbill for you to submit to your health insurance company, but we do not bill insurance directly. Please ask for a superbill at each visit; they will not be sent automatically. Requests for multiple visits or multiple months of superbills will be charged processing fees, so plan ahead and ask for a free one when you're in the office!
Currently, Medicare covers acupuncture for a specific diagnosis of low back pain, but there are limitations that exclude my practice from Medicare reimbursement. Please help by advocating for the Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act (currently HR3133). If you would like to advocate, (you don't have to be a senior or even a patient here to advocate for this) click here: American Society of Acupuncturists HR3133 Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act